Battle Carnaval Partner Program

New team shooter in the style of fun-to-play from the company Zepetto.

Battle Carnival - free driving online shooter, breaking all the established stereotypes. Use a sneaker, a microphone stand or a sharpened ice ax as a weapon! No rules and restrictions grab the biggest cannon and break into it!
13 charismatic heroes are already waiting for their time to rush into battle and light on 25 cards in 4 different game modes. Do you like mixes more seriously? You have a direct road to the rating mode!

Customer benefits

Desperate and defiant Heroes in tight leggings, a heap of real trunks, an observer mode for viewing real-time matches, rating games, records of past matches and the possibility to "like" beautiful moments of the match right in real time. All this sets Battle Carnival on the background of other games of the genre.

Advantages for partner 

  • New Offering
  • Broad Geo
  • High deductions

Allowed traffic types

  • Popup ads
  • Contextual advertising
  • Doorway traffic
  • Traffic from social networks
  • Banner ads
  • Teaser ads
  • Content sites
  • Clickunder
  • YouTube channels

Interested in the program? Connect!

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