Партнерська програма
Affiliate program CodDyschool
Connect to the program and get a 20% commission!
Sign up your child in CODDY® and give them the opportunity to learn modern technologies and future-oriented programming and design skills.
Teaching in-demand digital skills at CODDY is a great investment in your child's future!
The target audience
- Men 50%
- Women 50%
- 18-24 10%
- 25-34 45%
- 35-44 35%
- Remaining 10%
- Moscow 60%
- Saint Petersburg 5%
- Krasnodar Territory 5%
- Republic of Bashkortostan 5%
- Moscow region 20%
- Remaining 5%
Device type
- mobile+tablet 75%
- desktop 25%
Benefits for the publisher
- Large selection of traffic types and webmaster tools
- Decent pay rate
- Fast payouts
You can connect the Coddyschool affiliate program here.